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City of Manchester


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Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) & Ash trees – An update/information for Homeowners

In 2013, the City of Manchester inventoried all of the Ash trees on City owned land and other properties
including parks, street right of ways and other public facilities. The City enacted the following EAB
Action Plan.

City of Manchester – Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Action Plan


  1. In the Fall of 2013, an inventory was taken of Ash trees located in City right of ways (ROW’s), Parks and other City property. The Inventory identified total number of 418 Ash trees. The trees were listed by location, size and condition.
  2. Ash tree removal began as soon as conditions, staff availability, and budgets allowed. Trees were removed in the following order.
    • 1-Unhealthy trees.
    • 2-Trees in undesirable locations.
    • 3-Trees which removal would not have a large impact. (ex. Trees which are not the sole source of shade).
    • 4-Trees that were requested by homeowners to be removed.
    • 5-Trees in which replacement trees were ready to be planted.
    • 6-Trees that were not going to be treated.
  3. Areas impacted by Ash tree removals were replanted or encouraged to be replanted with a diverse and appropriate species of trees. The care of new trees in the terraces required residents help to give them the best chance for survival.

As we near the end of 2022, there are approximately 20 Ash trees remaining on City Property. In September of 2021, the Emerald Ash Borer was officially found within the City of Manchester. Several Ash trees along Delhi Road in the Southeast quadrant of the city showed telltale signs of an Ash Borer infestation and were either dying or dead. The infested trees were located in the yards of homeowners. Most of the infested trees were removed in Spring and Summer of 2022 (at the homeowner's expense).

In the images below, you can see the difference in tree canopy – before (with Ash trees) and after (without the Ash trees).



The 2013 Ash tree inventory did not include Ash trees on private property, therefore the number of Ash trees located on people’s yards is unknown. According to data, around 16 percent of public trees in Iowa communities are Ash trees, though the species could comprise 50 percent of some locations' canopies. Ash trees, if left untreated will die within a few years. Dead and dying ash trees pose a safety hazard due to the brittle nature of dead Ash trees; therefore removal of the trees is important to avoid having them fall on something or hurt someone. There are also various companies in Eastern Iowa that can treat ash trees, provided they are still healthy.

**IMPORTANT REMINDER** When Ash trees die, they will need to be removed at the homeowners expense.

Feel free to call City Hall if you have any questions or concerns.


Additional EAB information: